MESA – October 7, 2022 – Newsletter

Oct 7, 2022

Hi Neighbors,

Here’s what’s been going on around the neighborhood:

National Walk and Bike to School Day: Next Wednesday, October 12th is National Walk and Bike to School Day. We would love to have our students, families and volunteers out supporting our Yellow Brick Road project. We are planning to meet up at Sunny’s Market on 28th and G at 7:45 am and walk and bike along G Street to Alhambra. The group will then cross Alhambra at I Street where Eddy the Crossing Guard gets kids across safely daily. For information about the national organization behind this event, visit

Every Day is a Good Day to Walk and Bike to School: While our Yellow Brick Road continues to gain traction, I would also like to encourage everyone to get out next Wednesday to help kids travel safely to school. Looking at areas we could support, these ones are close to Sutter Middle School and have several students traveling on them: Alhambra and J Street near Safeway and H Street and 33rd Street crosswalk by the McKinley Park Rose Garden.

Help Out Other Schools: While next Wednesday is the official day, everyday is a great day to walk and bike, safely, to school. Let’s encourage people to find ways to travel safely to and from school in our neighborhood. In years past the other local public schools have also celebrated National Walk and Bike to School Day, so if you are closer to George Washington, Theodore Judah, Phoebe Hearst, or David Lubin see if you can help raise awareness for those schools too. Is your school participating and not mentioned here? Send details to

Yellow Brick Road: We have had a lot of offers to get our Yellow Brick Road project underway. We have a local arts group that would like to help with our “road” and one of our volunteers created a great logo for the project. What we would like to do is have local safe haven houses and businesses have the image where it could be seen, as well as use the bricks on our walkway. We could use this as a fundraiser where families, businesses, etc. could buy a 3 brick spot to put their name/info on. Funds raised would cover the cost of materials and allow for future upkeep. We have bigger plans for more beautification projects along the 29th and 30th Street corridor. Ideas include additional murals, lighting and water wise landscaping. Got an idea? Send details to

Trash Dash Saturday at McKinley Park: If anyone wants to join us out at McKinley Park on Saturday, we’re working with the City of Sacramento on their 916 Adopt-A-Park Day. We’ll be meeting at the covered picnic area at 9:00 am and helping pick things up around the park. This is a family friendly event. Wear good walking shoes and bring your smiling face to shine up our park. Councilmember Harris is bringing coffee, hot chocolate and lots of delicious pastries from Tiferet by the Park to share with us volunteers. If anyone needs community service credits for school, I’ll gladly sign any and all forms! (Link to the Sacramento Picks it Up FB Event page can be found here: you there!

Some Reminders:

Report Illegal Activity: The City of Sacramento and DCR want to make sure we know to report criminal activity to 311. If there is an emergency, don’t hesitate to call 911. And if it is a police non-emergency matter, please call 916-808-5471. See Something – Say Something. By reporting suspicious or illegal activity we are letting our City know what is going on here. Without speaking up, we won’t experience any reduction in crime.

Keep Spreading the Word: Over 240 people subscribe to this newsletter, and we want to keep spreading the word to others in our community. Please encourage friends and families to join our mailing list. And remember, if you ever want to unscubscribe, we understand. Just hit the link at the bottom of this email and it will be taken care of.