Hi Neighbors,
Here’s what’s going on in our neighborhood.
CalTrans Cleans up Their Property: This week CalTrans crews were out clearing their property along the Business-80 corridor. This included their land along 29th and 30th Streets, and went from E Street down to H Street. CalTrans moved the camps that were on those properties to ensure fires did not erupt that would cause problems with travel on the freeway.
Trash Dash at McKinley Park Tomorrow from 10 am until Noon: Please come out to our monthly Sacramento Picks it Up Trash Dash at McKinley Park. This is a great way to kick off a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and help us pick things up in our neighborhood. Our McKinley Park Trash Dashes are always very family friendly events, and a great way to meet your neighbors. Click here to learn more about Sacramento Picks it Up and this event on Facebook. Quick note: The City of Sac Parks Team donated a bunch of trash grabbers for our events—so come out and enjoy our parks that the staff at the Parks Department do their darnedest to keep clean!
Safe Streets Coalition: A local group, Sacramentans for Safe and Clean Streets and Parks, is encouraging MESA members to attend their meeting with the Land Park Community Association on June 6th. The group advocates for comprehensive solutions to Sacramento region’s homelessness crisis. To find out more, visit https://safestreetsforsac.org/. To get information about the upcoming meeting, email sacwalksafe@gmail.com
MESA Founding Members Meeting with Councilmember Harris and Department of Community Response on June 8th: The founders of MESA will be meeting with Councilmember Harris and the team at the Department of Community Response. We will also have a representative of the Mayor’s office attending. MESA will be discussing crime, safety and the homeless response. We will send out notes from this meeting to you after the meeting.
MESA Presenting to East Sac Chamber of Commerce’s Member Breakfast 6/8: Right before our meeting with CM Harris and the others, several of our founders will be presenting at East Sac Chamber of Commerce’s Monthly Membership Meeting. We’ll be discussing our advocacy for Midtown and East Sac, and encourage more neighbors to participate. The East Sac Chamber has many local business owners in their membership, and they want to improve the climate and the safety around our community.
Sacramento Sheriff Candidate Forum 6/3 from 5-6:30 pm at Clunie Center: MESA, East Sac Community Association and other neighborhood groups want to let you get to know the two men running for Sacramento Sheriff. We will be having a forum at the Clunie Center at McKinley Park next Friday from 5-6:30 pm. Come out and get to know the candidates and determine who you want to vote for.
G Street Mural: Hey neighbors, anyone walk on the G Street underpass that joins Midtown to East Sac lately? A few weeks ago a local muralist put up “Community Together” on the north side of the underpass. And magically, recently another mural was added joining community together. We have a benevolent friend keeping an eye on us here in our neighborhood. If you haven’t seen it, head out while it’s light to enjoy it—and tell your friends. MESA is all about #communitytogether
Yellow Brick Road Project Keeps Gaining Momentum: Earlier this month MESA met with the Center for Regional Change at UCD. The center is doing research on our Safe Routes to School project. We are getting some great information. This newsletter’s author is about to join a member of the Mayor’s office at the Center for Regional Change this afternoon to learn about their most recent research. And one other interesting item about our project: A Sutter Middle school Girl Scout has expressed interest in helping out with some of our local research to make our Yellow Brick Road a reality. We are thrilled to be getting such great community support. Thank you!
MESA Keeps Growing: MESA has more than 200 members now. We are glad you are here with us, and encourage you to send this email onto friends you think would like to continue to strengthen our community.