Hi Neighbors,
Here’s what’s been going on around the neighborhood:
Safe Routes to School: Since the first day of school this year at Sutter Middle School family and neighbor volunteers have been helping kids get safely from 29th and G Street along to 30th and G Street. It has been really fun to get to know some new families and also very rewarding to have Sutter students feeling safe while walking and biking along the G Street corridor. We want to sincerely thank all of our crossing guards, and hope to have several more students find out about our safe corridor on G Street to school. Our numbers increase weekly with new students walking and biking to school. Know a family that wants a safe route to Sutter? Spread the news about our Safe Route, and be on the lookout for our upcoming Yellow Brick Road project. We are meeting up at Sunny’s Market on 28th and G, and walking the kids over to 30th and several parents continue on to Sutter Middle. We also have our awesome security guards from A Therapeutic Alternative walking the route early to make sure it is safe for the kids. In the afternoon our crossing guards are at 30th and G to keep an eye on walkers and bikers along the corridor back to Midtown.
National Walk and Bike to School Day is Coming Up: October is when National Walk and Bike to School Day is held every year. We had a great event in 2021, and are looking for more people out with us this year. To find out more, visit https://www.walkbiketoschool.
Sidewalk Ordinance is now in Effect. The Sidewalk Ordinance passed unanimously at the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, August 23rd. Effective this past Friday, the ordinance is now in effect. The ordinance is requiring 4 feet of passable area on all city sidewalks.
Ballot Measures O and L Forum This Wednesday: East Sacramento Community Association (ESCA) is hosting a Forum on the City of Sacramento’s ballot Measures O and L this coming Wednesday from 6-8 pm at the Clunie Center at McKinley Park. The measures will be discussed by the initiatives’ authors and our local Councilmembers. Please find the flyer here. The link to register for the event is here.
Safety Incident at Sutter Middle School: Last Thursday morning, near the Alhambra Safeway, a man was yelling obscenities at children and making lewd gestures to them. He then proceeded to enter the street at Alhambra and J, hitting cars that were in the intersection. The administration at Sutter took immediate action, with the Vice Principal going out to the area to make sure students and families were safe while waiting for the police to arrive. No children or bystanders were physically harmed and the man was taken into police custody.
Attack at Shell Gas Station 29th and E Street. This past Monday morning a man was at the Shell Gas Station store to get coffee. There was an active robbery going on when he entered the store. He was beaten in the face and the head by the robber. Police were called and the assailant was taken into custody.
Some Reminders:
Report Illegal Activity: The City of Sacramento and DCR want to make sure we know to report criminal activity to 311. If there is an emergency, don’t hesitate to call 911. And if it is a police non-emergency matter, please call 916-808-5471. See Something – Say Something. By reporting suspicious or illegal activity we are letting our City know what is going on here. Without speaking up, we won’t experience any reduction in crime.
Trash Dash October 8th at McKinley Park: MESA, along with Sacramento Picks It Up, will be doing a Trash Dash at McKinley Park Saturday October 8th starting at 10 am. We’ll meet up at the Duck Pond. MESA has several trash grabbers and garbage bags provided by City Parks, and our Parks team will have a dumpster out for our haul. The weather should be gorgeous, so please plan to come out and pick things up around our neighborhood. And stop by the Greek Food Festival afterwards for a feast! For more details, please visit the Sacramento Picks it Up Facebook page at: https://fb.me/e/3yPoUfao1
Keep Spreading the Word: Over 240 people subscribe to this newsletter, and we want to keep spreading the word to others in our community. Please encourage friends and families to join our mailing list. And remember, if you ever want to unscubscribe, we understand. Just hit the link at the bottom of this email and it will be taken care of.