MESA April 22, 2022 Newsletter

Apr 22, 2022

 Here’s what’s been going on around the neighborhood:

City Council Members and Redistricting: This past Tuesday, Sacramento City Council met and one of the items that was discussed was district representation after redistricting. The City Attorney gave her recommendations on how District 3 and District 4 would be represented today and after District 3 CM Harris’s term ends. To view the meeting, please find the YouTube here. Item 20 starts at 1:08:50 in the video. From this, it sounds like those of us in East Sacramento and River Park will be represented by the Mayor in the new year.

SacBee article on Redistricting and MESA’s comments: This morning the SacBee ran this article about how this affects various neighborhoods in the city. Amy Gardner of MESA was interviewed for the article.

MESA Members Meeting: On Tuesday, April 26th we’ll be having our inaugural MESA meeting. We’ll be putting together our agenda for the meeting, and welcome any additions from you, our neighbors. Here’s the Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 841 2193 7428 and Passcode: 160548

Trash Dash at McKinley Park on 4/23 10 am until noon: Please come out to our monthly Sacramento Picks It Up Trash Dash at McKinley park on Earth Day and help us pick things up in our neighborhood. This is a very family friendly event, and it is a great way for you to meet your neighbors. Click here to learn more about Sacramento Picks it Up and this event on Facebook.

Ice Cream Social: On May 1st from 1:30 to 3:00 MESA will be hosting an ice cream social at the McKinley Park Rose Garden. This is a very family friendly event, and the weather—and roses—should be glorious. Come out and cool down with us!

Yellow Brick Road/Safe Route to School: Work continues with the Mayor’s office on this. More Details to come.

Crime@midtowneastsac.orgPlease email concerns and criminal activity to us at If you have code enforcement issues, you may email this address as well.

Support our Neighborhood Businesses: Neighbors, we appreciate our friendly shop owners and encourage you to shop local whenever possible. MESA wants to thank A Therapeutic Alternative, located at 3015 H Street. The owners and staff at this local business have been very supportive of MESA’s efforts in the neighborhood. The security staff has been increasing security patrols around the block when school is getting out to make sure kids are able to travel safely in the neighborhood, especially around the H Street underpass to Midtown.

Bike to School Day May 4th: National Bike to School Day is May 4th, and MESA is planning a fun bike day for Sutter students, and we’re planning to invite other local schools to join up by bike after school at Sutter’s Landing. We’ll have a shaved ice vendor, bike safety clinic and a raffle for some cool bike stuff! We would love chaperones and bike enthusiasts to come and join us. The more the merrier! SABA and The Mercy Pedalers are scheduled to join us, and SABA is leading the bike safety clinic. To learn more about National Bike to School Day, visit

State Senate and Assembly Candidate Forum May 4th: Save the Date! On May 4th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Clunie Center at McKinley Park several neighborhood associations, including MESA, are hosting a candidate forum for State Assembly District 6 candidates Kevin McCarty and Josh Pane and State Senate District 8 candidates Angelique Ashby, Dave Jones and Rafa Garcia. To learn more and register for the event, visit

What is MESA About?: To find out more about MESA, visit our webpage.

Published List of Members: These are MESA members who are involved in finding solutions in our neighborhood. For a current list, please click here. Many members have not been comfortable with their information being published, and we completely stand by your confidentiality. If you want to stand up for our neighborhood, and want to be on the published list, please email with your name and how you want to be listed (neighbor, business owner, etc.).

Watch Sacramento City Council 5:00 PM – April 19, 2022